Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Report: Suggested Measures that could be adopted to further strengthen the Protection of Asiatic Lions and Gir Biodiversity

In April – May 2007 we had written to you all for your suggestions in a report that we were preparing. We got overwhelming response from conservationist, naturalists, Sanctuary Managers all over the world. I heartily thank all those who have sent their inputs.

The highlight of this whole exercise is that we received many simple solutions to help conservation which does not need even a single Rupee or manpower or time. For example, roads inside WLSs cannot be closed altogether because of public resistance, but usage timings can definitely be reduced. Such a simple solution which needs only instruction to be passed!

With all inputs received, a report titled as “Suggested Measures that could be adopted to further strengthen the Protection of Asiatic Lions and Gir Biodiversity” is prepared. It is submitted to Hon Chief Minister’s office in end of June 2007. This report is also published in Sept 2007 issue of ZOOS PRINT magazine.

Those interested to have as soft copy of this report, can download this report from or write to me.

Kishore Kotecha

Wildlife Conservation Trust, RajkotGujarat , Mob: +91 98240 62062


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