Two lioness' death due to poison
Gujarat Samachar
Briefly translated from Gujarati
About 20 days before, a carcass of a dead lioness was found in check-dam of Kantala village of KhambhaTaluka in Gir East. Before the inquiry could start, one more carcass of lioness was found at the same place.
Forest department began strict inquiry. Viscera were sent to the forensic lab. Dog squads were also deployed. At the same place carcass of pig was also found. Viscera of pig and water of checkdam were also sent for analysis at Forensic laboratory. Forest department started inquiring local people and informers were also appointed.
All the cues and lab tests proved that death was because of poison. Forestors also found that KalubhaiVaghabhaiRathod (Age-55), whose farm was adjoining the check – dam was guilty. He was caught and presented before the court.
It is worth nothing that two lions were killed by spraying poisonous fertilizer on a bull at Patla village in Gir East. Thirty – four claws of these lions were also missing. Killers had also tries to burn on of these lions. But vigilant forest department had solved the case. Similarly five lions were also electrocuted at Prempara village near Dhari and culprits were caught.

1 comment:
But forest department officers were having opinion that those were deaths due to natural causes, like due to drinking contaminated water, due to crocodile attack, etc. Someone had said that as the carcasses were not turned black, hence no possibility of poisoning!! Now they are saying it is poisoning....!!!!
People having farms near forest areas are adding poisons, urea fertilizer etc in water tanks(avedas) to keep away (or to kill) Blue bucks. In this case it seems that poison was added directly on the kill.
Now can we proudly say that Lions are safe?
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